P. O. Box 542345
Merritt Island, FL 32954-2345
The Florida Fly Fishing Association is dedicated to the knowledge, fellowship and enjoyment of fly fishing as well as the protection and conservation of Florida’s fisheries. We provide information and instruction in all aspects of fly fishing, such as fly casting, fly tying, fly rod building, techniques for freshwater and marine game fish, and tactics for fishing specific areas. We offer—
1. A Meeting (open to the public) on the fourth Tuesday of each month, January thru November, at Kay’s Bar-B-Q on SR 520 in Cocoa (just west of Clearlake Rd). The meeting starts at 7 p.m. and features guest speakers, slide-show programs, films or demonstrations. Try to come by 6 p.m. if you would like to join us for dinner (ordering from the menu).
2. A Workshop on the second Tuesday of each month, January thru November, at the Central Brevard Library Meeting, second floor, room #4, at 308 Forrest Avenue in Cocoa provides detailed discussion and instruction on a wide variety of fly fishing topics, including fly tying.
3. Monthly Fishing Trips provide an opportunity to catch different freshwater and marine species, explore different bodies of water, apply knowledge and techniques obtained through various FFFA programs and develop new fishing partners through the random pairing of boaters and non-boaters.
4. Fly Casting Clinics are scheduled as needed. They provide individual instruction for the beginner and advanced casters. Video equipment records your session for an additional learning experience
5. The voluntary Mentor Program helps a new member become better acquainted with the diverse interests and activities of the FFFA. The program provides a more personal point of contact in meeting the general membership and learning more about the many worlds of fly fishing.
6. Fly Tying Sessions are periodically scheduled to provide insight into material selection and tying techniques as well as an opportunity to tie standard and specialized fly designs in preparation for specific FFFA fishing trips.
7. The Fish’n’Rag, our monthly newsletter, provides up-to-date information of FFFA news and activities, items of local fishing interests, fishing reports, etc.
8. Special Workshops are scheduled as needed to offer hands-on programs, such as building a fly rod, constructing a leader, tying knots, or preparing for special FFFA fishing trips.
9. The Grand Master Angler Point Program (GMAPP) provides a non-competitive forum which challenges members to apply their skills and techniques in pursuit of various freshwater and saltwater species
10. The Club Binder contains a wealth of useful information with topics on the FFFA, fly fishing techniques, fly casting, fly tying, rod building, knots, leader systems, fish identification, etc.
11. The Website has much informative on the FFFA and its activities including the newsletters, photos, coming events, etc. It can be accessed at www.floridaflyfishing.org. Notice: “.org”
10/01/09Click here to download our new

Copyright © 2017 . Florida Fly Fishing Association :: P.O. Box 542345 Merrit Island, FL 32954-2345